Our Curriculum

This section is focused on the curriculum and provides an overview of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework and the National Curriculum offer for children in Years 1 to 6.


Core and Foundation Subjects


Our curriculum promotes ‘life in all its fullness’ through access to a high quality, broad and balanced curriculum that is enriched with enjoyable and engaging experiences. These experiences are carefully planned to support the development of knowledge, skills and enriched cultural capital. This will include the provision of an ambitious body of procedural and semantic knowledge to develop long term memory.

Our curriculum design is based on principles derived from evidence through cognitive science:

  • Learning is most effective with spaced repetition.
  • Retrieval of previously learnt content is frequent and regular, which increases both storage and retrieval strength.

In addition to the principles, we also understand that learning is invisible in the short term and that sustained mastery takes time.

Our content is subject specific. We make intra-curricular links to strengthen schema.

Continuous provision, in the form of daily routines, quizzing and starters to lessons, provides retrieval practice for previously learnt content.

The long term planning in the school sets out when and what component is taught for each curriculum subject to ensure full coverage. Foundation subjects are planned over a two-year cycle to accommodate mixed age group classes. The content is coherently planned to allow for a progressive, well-developed curriculum that builds on skills to develop strong procedural and semantic knowledge, providing a deeper, more sustainable understanding of the curriculum content where children are active in making connections to everyday life and the world they live in.

Our weekly timetable is bespoke for each class to provide full coverage of each subject whilst efficiently using curriculum time to retrieve previously taught knowledge and skills from long term memory. The school day itself has been revised to better match Curriculum 2014 and to assist in a creative yet balanced delivery of the curriculum subjects.


Curriculum Leads

As a federation, our staff lead subjects across both schools to develop their leadership skills.

Staff Name School Role in School Lead
Mrs B. Dawson St. Michael’s C of E Primary Headteacher
St. Michael’s English Hub Lead
Evidence Lead in Education
Computing Lead
Mr J. Paley St. Michael’s C of E Primary Trust Curriculum Lead Curriculum Lead
PE Lead
Mrs A. Moore St. Michael’s C of E Primary

Deputy Headteacher

St. Michael’s English Hub Lead

Literacy Specialist

English Lead
Oracy Lead

Forest School Lead
Safeguarding Team

Mrs H. Edney St. Michael’s C of E Primary SENCO
Literacy Specialist
Art Lead
DT Lead
Safeguarding Team
Mrs N. Jemmerson St. Michael’s C of E Primary Deputy Headteacher
Year 1/2 Class Teacher
Maths Lead
History Lead
Geography Lead
Handwriting Lead
Deputy DSL
Miss E. Urwin St. Michael’s C of E Primary Year 5/6 Class Teacher

Music Lead
R.E. Lead 

Worship Lead

Safeguarding Team 

Miss S. Dyke St. Michael’s C of E Primary Year 5/6 Class Teacher
Miss A. Banks St. Michael’s C of E Primary HLTA Pupil Parliament Lead
P.E. Lead (Shadowing)
OPAL Play Lead
Mr B. Nicholson Evenwood C of E Primary  Year 5/6 Class Teacher

Science Lead

MFL Lead


Curriculum Topics

Please find below the two year cycle of topics your children will cover to ensure full coverage of the curriculum.

Cycle A
EYFS Yearly Curriculum Map
Year 1/2 Cycle A Curriculum Map
Year 3/4 Cycle A Curriculum Map
Year 5/6 Cycle A Curriculum Map

Cycle B
EYFS Yearly Curriculum Map
Year 1/2 Cycle B Curriculum Map
Year 3/4 Cycle B Curriculum Map
Year 5/6 Cycle B Curriculum Map


To find out more about our curriculum, please click the links above for specific subjects. Parents can check out our teacher’s half termly overviews on their class page. To further support parents, we offer parents appointments each term and book looks in the opposite term. We also send out short reports during the year and a longer report at the end of the year. We also use Class Dojo to show parents our weekly time table and share information on what they are learning during the week.

If you want any further information please get in touch with Mrs B. Dawson Headteacher. If you e-mail the school on StMichaels@oneexcellence.co.uk


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At St. Michael’s C of E Primary School we believe that inclusive education means providing all pupils with appropriate education and support alongside their peers. The curriculum is all the planned activities that the school organises in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. Further information can be found in the SEND Information Report.

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