We would like to incorporate more PE into the daily lives of our children and for at least a period of time try to support our families by slimming down the uniform and the cost of what children need for school. We have moved to an an ‘active uniform’ to support with daily exercise and the cost of living. Alongside this, we know that children are playing differently in school as a result of OPAL (outdoor play and learning) which we have begun this year and that the following items of clothing are probably easier to wash etc.
The Active Uniform is compulsory for all children including Nursery.
Our Active Uniform consists of:
- Royal blue jumper or cardigan (with or without the logo on)
- Royal blue hoodie
- White or blue polo shirt (with or without the logo on)
- Plain royal blue shorts
- Plain navy blue tracksuit bottoms (with or without the logo on but no stripes etc)
- Trainers preferably all black/black with white sole however some white is acceptable (please see picture below)
Swimming Kit
- Trunks (NOT swimming ‘shorts’) / swimming costume
- Towel
- Swimming hat
- Goggles (if needed)
- No jewellery is allowed in school other than a wrist watch for health and safety reasons. Wrist watches must be removed before PE lessons and the school cannot accept responsibility for watches that are lost.
- No smart watches to be worn in school
Make Up
- No make up should be worn
- No waterbottles
- No pencil cases
How To Order
If you would like to order any uniform, please visit Cre8ive Graphics Limited and order directly from them.
Lost Property
We are finding many items of uniform unnamed, lying around school at the end of each day.
We have:
- had a lost property assembly where all items of lost clothing have been shown to children and given out
- invited parents to look at lost property and claim their items
We make every effort to find the owners of items but are unable to store lost clothing for long periods of time as they are a fire risk and safety hazard.
As part of developing independent skills, we are keen to encourage your child to care for their own possessions.
Please check that names are in all items of clothing- we recommend not on labels or stick or sew in, but written on the fabric of the item using a fabric pen (to prevent items being taken and labels cut out)
Any items not claimed within a half term will be placed in our uniform swap shop.
Swap Shop
During main events and at different times of the year, we will have a swap shop where people can take uniform donated from other parents. This uniform is cleaned and sorted into sizes. If you need uniform at other times of the year, please contact the school and we will support you from the swap shop.