Dear Parents,
The Local Advisory Board, LAB, welcomes both your child and you. We hope your time with this lovely school will be rewarding and happy.
St. Michaels is an academy school which is part of the One Excellence Multi Academy Trust. There are different levels of governance this link covers more about what the LABs role is. There is also further information on the LAB in this section of the website, in short though we are looking to drive the best possible outcomes for all children at the school.
We do this by being a supportive partner to predominantly the schools leadership team, asking questions around decision making, reviewing data, with an understanding of the views and needs of all stakeholders of the school, sometimes this is a balancing act!
The LABs focus in predominantly strategic in nature, focussing on the collective school rather than operational and individuals. Making sure the staff have the support and direction they need to fulfil their roles.
The school is always interested in getting more sets of eyes and support as diversity will often bring different views and questions and ultimately improve the decision making and school. You all bring your own strengths and if you are open to learning more around the education system and are interested in finding out more please either contact the school or any of the LAB members to find out more.
From a personal perspective I have been involved in schools governance for over 10 years and have found it a rewarding experience.
Thank you
Mr T. Cunningham
On behalf of the Local Advisory Board of St Michael’s C of E Primary School