Pupil Parliament

Welcome to our Pupil Parliament Page

Democracy is alive within our school and as the Pupil Parliament, we are living proof of this. Everyone has the opportunity to have their voices heard through the Pupil Parliament. The election of the class MPPs (Members of Pupil Parliament) has been carried out in a democratic manner. Each class was provided with the opportunity to apply for positions within our Pupil Parliament, with applications being read by Mrs. Orchard and Mr. Paley.

We now have Pupil Parliament members in lots of exciting roles across their curriculum. It is the role of the Ministers to work alongside staff and subject leads, providing the voice of the child.

Meetings will be held on a regular basis with a member of our staff, where children will have an opportunity to communicate their thoughts and ideas. They take whole school issues and ideas from their own class councils and feed them into the Pupil Parliament. They also share ideas and decisions from Pupil Parliament with their class. Decisions made within Pupil Parliament can, and do, have a real impact on the rest of the school.

Pupil Parliament representatives need to have the following personal qualities:

  • Reliable
  • Responsible
  • Friendly and approachable
  • Good at listening to everyone
  • Able to remember things
  • Honest and sensible
  • Hardworking

These are the things the Pupil Parliament representatives need to do:

  • Attend meetings, turn up on time and be interested
  • Listen to the views and opinions of the class and bring them to the meeting.
  • Report everyone’s ideas and opinions, even if they are not your own
  • Bring ideas to the meeting that will make the school a better place to be
  • Feedback information to your class – ask your teacher for a time to do this
  • Collect views of pupils from the playground and class

We will nominate our Pupil Parliament as part of our Democracy Day. This group will oversee all aspects of school life.

Our Pupil Parliament

Prime Ministers

Our Prime Ministers are Jack (Year 6) and Ava (Year 6)

Deputy Prime Ministers

Our Deputy Prime Ministers are Phoebe (Year 5) and Oliver (Year 5)

The Prime Ministers are vital in our Pupil Parliament. They will be in all meetings and oversee the Pupil Parliament ensuring they all lead by example and show integrity in line with British Values and our Christian Values. The Deputy Prime Ministers will shadow the Prime Ministers and assist in overseeing the Pupil Parliament.

Charity Events Organisers

Our Charity Events Organisers are Charlotte (Year 6), Ben (Year 5) and Lucas(Year 5)

Our Charity Events Organisers will liaise with the Prime Ministers, Deputy Prime Ministers and members of staff to discuss and select which events the school will run. The Charity Events Organisers will gain perspective from the children, share their ideas in a democratic way and assist in facilitating the event.

RE Crew and Waste Warriors – ‘Caretakers of our school’

Our Rights Respecting Crew are Charlie (Year 6), Andrew (Year 5), Oscar (Year 5), Andrew (Year 4), Isla (Year 4) and Sebastian (Year 3) 

Our RE Crew and Waste Warriors will work closely with Ref-Use to tackle food plate waste within our school as well as delivering collective worships within our school.

Reading Ambassadors

Our Reading Ambassadors are James (Year 6), Mia (Year 5)
Alma (Year 4), Bertie (Year 3), Evie (Year 2) and Noah (Year 1)

Our Reading Ambassadors will work closely with the Reading Lead to promote a love of reading across the school.

Minister of Science and Technology

Our Minister of Science and Technology is James (Year 4)

The Minister of Science and Technology will work to promote scientific curiosity throughout the curriculum. The Minister of Science and Technology with speak with children to identify (i.e. STEM Day) and school visits. When there are science and technology events in school, the Minister will work closely with other members of our Pupil Parliament to support the event.

Minister of Humanities

Our Minister of Humanities is Eden (Year4)

The Minister of Humanities will work with Mrs. Jemmeson to raise the profile of humanities across the school.

Ministers of Expressive Arts

Our Ministers of Expressive Arts are Amelia (Year 6) and Lucas (Year 6)

The Minister of Expressive Arts will work with Mrs. Edney and Miss Urwin to plan music and expressive art events across the school.

Minister of Behaviour, Values and Culture

Our Minister of  Behaviour, values and culture is Emily (Year 5)

The Ministers of Behaviour, Values and Culture ensure respect is shown across the whole school. They will also work closely with Mrs. Orchard to help us continue our World Class Schools Accreditation.



Our OPAL Crew are Emilie (Year 6), Henry (Year 6), Oliver (Year 5), Sofia (Year 4),Gray (Year 3) and Louisa (Year 3)

The OPAL crew work closely with Mrs. Orchard and Mrs. Moore to help develop our breaktimes and lunchtimes. The children design different OPAL areas and deliver assemblies to open these areas whilst creating rules together. They also ensure that the equipment is stored away correctly.