Durham SCITT

About Us

We are the lead primary school for Durham School Centered Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) where our Primary Lead organises and manages the course for our trainee teachers. Allocated teaching mentors ensure all trainees are supported throughout their training year by providing support, encouragement and modelling outstanding practice. We host and deliver training at our school through our practising teachers and allow trainees the opportunity to practice new skills and knowledge. Our extremely high employability rate (96%) shows a high-quality programme, with a vast amount of graduates being fast-tracked to management. See our success stories below.

The Course

The course is full time and runs from September until the end of June.

This highly practical, hands-on course allows for all who train to put carefully planned and delivered subject knowledge training into practice through vast opportunities to work with children during training. Three placements and an Early Years Experience ensures a broad and balanced coverage of the full primary school with trainees experiencing at least two different schools. This provides our trainees with enriched experiences best preparing them for their future careers.

Supportive course tutors provide a tailored training calendar which is adapted to the trainees needs, as identified through careful monitoring and reflective/ evaluative procedures.


Apply online at:  www.ucas.com/apply/teacher-training

You will need the following information to apply:
Institution code name: DSAS
Institution code: D87
Course code: 2BWR

Why Durham SCITT? Hear from our past students.

During my training with Durham SCITT, I received outstanding training to prepare me for a career in teaching. I received continuous support and guidance from my brilliant mentors and Primary Lead who had high expectations of trainees throughout the year to promote outstanding practice which I have been able to apply in my NQT year.  The training I received throughout the year has significantly impacted my classroom practice as an NQT by providing me with the experience and confidence to deal with behaviour, a range of special educational needs and greater depth children which is required daily.

Durham SCITT provided me with the opportunity to work across the key stages in a primary setting; from EYFS to KS2 and in schools which were quite different demographically with different challenges. Being in the classroom from the offset allowed me to gain the first-hand experience of teaching and having the day-to-day responsibilities of a teacher.

The high calibre training content not only prepared me for my NQT year, but I believe they have provided me with the skills and experience for a career in teaching.

Abby Moore, Class of 2018

Durham SCITT thoroughly prepared me to becoming the classroom practitioner I am today. Each part of the course is well thought out and planned to support both people who have never set foot in a classroom and those who have. The whole process is tailormade to each individual due to the personable approach that the mentors, course leader and ever course director take to getting to know each people and support their individual needs.

Durham SCITT gave me the opportunity to work, support and observe lesson and classroom practises of outstanding teachers from EYFS to KS2 which helped me refine my teaching and seeing first-hand what being a classroom teacher was like. It also gives you the ‘why’. They do not just show you how to teach but these support this with the deeper theory behind it. This allows you as a practitioner to fully understand how to best support the children in your care. Having this hands-on approach but supplemented with the whys has greatly prepared me to take on my NQT year but has given me skills which still benefit me now, four years later.

James Dent, Class of 2019

After being a Teaching Assistant for 4 years, I took the plunge to leave a job I loved to enrol onto the Durham SCITT course to pursue the role of a Primary School Teacher. Little did I know this was the best leap I had ever taken.Durham SCITT provided me with vast opportunities to teach and observe EYFS, Key Stage 1 and 2. With outstanding training and incredible support from former Teachers with first-hand experience, I was able to gain the knowledge and tools to develop my understanding of the curriculum and the requirements of an exceptional teacher.
On the completion of my training, I was provided with all the experience and skills I needed to put me in a fantastic position when applying for jobs and successfully secure a position as an ECT (Early Careers Teacher). Since then, I have taught a full year in EYFS and am now a KS1 teacher.
As a practical learner, Durham SCITT provided me with a first-hand experience of teaching that I believe isn’t available on other courses and I couldn’t recommend them enough for getting me where I am today.

Ayesha Alderson, Class of 2021

Once I finished university, I decided to pursue a potential career in teaching. Through Durham SCITT, I was provided with exceptional opportunities to observe and teach with highly skilled practitioners within the classroom which facilitated putting theory into practice on a daily basis. Being in such a supportive environment surrounded by enthusiastic trainees, mentors and professionals allowed me to be a reflective trainee and refine my skills on a day-to-day basis, allowing myself to grow as a teacher.   

Durham SCITT provided me opportunities to access all key stages including EYFS and meant I was able see best practice in all areas of the curriculum giving me an effective skillset and experience once the training had finished. Choosing Durham SCITT has been one of the best decisions of my life and they still play an important part within my teaching career to this day.  

Ben Nicholson, Class of 2021