“Everyone is a star and deserves a chance to shine.” Marilyn Monroe.
At St. Michael’s C of E School PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) is a planned programme of learning where the children acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to keep themselves healthy and safe. PSHE provides the children with the building blocks in order for them to develop healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including online. This sits alongside the essential understanding of how to be healthy.
As part of our whole school approach, PSHE develops the qualities and attributes that children need to manage opportunities, challenges and responsibilities as they grow up, enabling them to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.
By teaching pupils to stay safe and healthy, and by building self-esteem, resilience and empathy, our effective, our effective PSHE programme enables staff to tackle barriers to learning and raise aspirations for our pupils.
St. Michael’s is a Church of England school whose ethos is founded on Christian teaching and values and in particular recognises the uniqueness and worth of each individual member of the school, both children and adults alike, all of who are loved by God. With this in mind the aim of the school is to encourage children to reflect this love by learning to understand and respect the various beliefs, traditions and practices of others, both within the school and wider community. Our purpose is to ensure that pupils leave us with a maturing understanding of the experiences and values of others and a growing sense of identity based on personal values and self-worth with the community.
Cultural Capital
The children will learn about areas specific to RSHE such as health and wellbeing, living in the wider world and relationships. They will also experience the following:
- Visits from health professionals
- Workshops with outside agencies
- Experiences of various professions
This will be implemented by using a question based programme of study from the PSHE Association which will be taught through a two-year cycle. Some aspects of PSHE will be taught in specific lessons as well as discreetly through story time. Some topics will also be covered in other topics such as ICT and science.
The PSHE programme of study focuses on three core themes (Key Stage 1 and 2):
- Living in the Wider World
- Relationships
- Health and Wellbeing
Each topic will cover:
Living in the Wider World:
- Money, spending and saving
- Making choices, decisions, responsibilities
- Needs and wants
- The world around us
- People, jobs and respect
- Role of the internet
- Community and groups
- Similarities and difference
- Caring for others
- Aspirations, role models and the future
- Media, digital resilience, online safety and influences
- Similarities and differences
- Our bodies
- People/families who care for us and groups we belong to
- Friendships, making positive friendships, becoming independent and dealing with arguments
- Feelings and managing feelings
- Behaviour, bullying, words and actions
- Respect for self and others, courteous behaviour, safety (inc online) and rights
- Different relationships, changing and growing and moving to secondary school
Health and wellbeing:
- Being healthy, hygiene, medicines, playing, sleep, dental care and keeping active
- Keeping safe, risks, rules, people who help us and taking more responsibility
- Feelings, mood, emotions, expressions and behaviour
- Growing and changing
- First aid, accidents and dealing with emergencies
- Personal attributes and qualities, individuality and stereotypes
The intended impact of our curriculum is that children build knowledge, make connection between this knowledge and use it to explore and create.
- Children will know more and remember more about PSHE/RSE with having dedicated time to learn.
- Children will be able to demonstrate a health outlook on life, health, school, family and friends, which will help with behaviour, care and respect.
- Children will understand the physical aspects involved in RSE at an age appropriate level in line with the new statutory guidelines.
- Children will have respect for themselves and others.
- Children will have positive body and mind image.
Early Year and Foundation Stage:
Teaching in the Early Years and Foundation Stage will differ and will be child led to reflect the interests of the children and the needs of the school. Children will take part in circle time and discuss topics and themes that at their level. Teachers will use Picture News and stories to assist in teaching the above.
- Show an understanding of their own feelings and those of others, and regulate their behaviour accordingly;
- Have a positive sense of self and show resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge;
- Pay attention to their teacher and follow multi-step instructions
Managing Self
- Manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs, including dressing and going to the toilet;
- Understand the importance of healthy food choices;
- Explain the reasons for rules and know right from wrong.
Building Relationships
- Work and play cooperatively and take turns with others;
- Form positive attachments and friendships;
- Show sensitivities to others’ needs.
RSHE Long Term Plan
RSHE Policy September 2020
British Values Policy September 2020
SMSC Policy September 2020
Parent Consultation September 2020
Parent Consultation PowerPoint September 2020
Children’s voice
Useful Websites
Natwest Money Wise