A quick message from Lockerbie. The children have all arrived safely and have settled into their rooms. The children have enjoyed their opening two sessions with some of them completing a crate stacking activity and the other group completing an obstacle course. All children are fed, washed and settled for bed. Good Night.
Further Adventures
Today has been another fun filled day. The children have had a great time rock climbing and completing a high ropes course. After lunch we all headed to the lake where we went on the canoes and raced in the kayaks. Although it was cold the weather remained dry and all of the children had fun. After tea we completed our day with an enjoyable evening walk before settling for bed.
Today has been another fun filled day. The children have had a great time crate stacking, abseiling, using the rifles, low ropes and the obstacle course. It has turned into a nice night here in Lockerbie so the children are playing football. They have all had a brilliant time and will share their stories when they get home. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.