Year 1, 2, 3, 4 Fun Run at Newton Aycliffe Oakleaf Centre

Year 1/2
The children had a fantastic time taking part in a 2km fun run at the Oakleaf Complex in Newton Aycliffe and were joined by several other schools. The children were given their very own pink fun run t-shirt and were joined by Olymic Long Jumper Chris Tomkinson. He even signed our shirts!! We enjoyed our group warm up to ‘Uptown Funk’ and were completely exhausted by the end of the day. But we would definitely do it again!!

Year 3/4
You would think a 1 mile run was a challenge for anyone but not St Michaels! We were able to show off our skills in bright pink t-shirts as well as meet world famous Olympic athlete Chris Tomlinson. We have developed our stamina and are now ready for the summer Olympic season.