Christian Value: Wisdom and Creation
British Values: Mutual Respect
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child links: Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education
This week was science week and what an amazing week we had! In class we took part in our own science experiments. Over the holidays, our homework was to make our own scientific experiment linking to science topic ‘Space’. We all tried our hardest and all of the teachers were blown away with out effort. They were all amazing!
On Friday, we held our own Science Fayre. We were able to showcase our amazing homework to both out peers and parents/carers. During the afternoon, we worked in groups to move throughout the school complete various activities. The activities included, making food colouring move in milk, using lemons to light an LED, making slime, creating canister rockets, making sherbet and lots more.
We had an amazing day!