World Book Day

Christian Value link: Wisdom and Koinonia

British Value link: Individual Liberty

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child links:  Article 28 – You have the right to a good quality education.

Today, it was ‘World Book Day’. We celebrated the day by coming into school dressed up as our favourite character from a book. All of our teachers came dressed up too!

First of all, we started the day with an assembly were we had the chance to parade around the hall. We got to see everyone’s costumes.

At the end of the day, we had the opportunity to go an read with Nursery and Reception. It was an amazing opportunity to share our love for reading with the younger children of the school.

What an amazing day we had! We can’t wait for the next World Book Day.

One child said, “World Book Day is amazing, we get to read lots.”

Another said, “I love reading, I learn a lot from the books I read.”