Science Week

Christian Value link:  Wisdom, Creation

British Value link: Mutual Respect

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child links:  Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live peacefully protect the environment and respect other people.

This week, we have celebrate science week by performing scientific enquiries into a range of interesting subjects. The experiments will also be used towards our Crest Award which we are having lots of fun completing.

This week we have conducted investigations around our Space and Rock topic.

We have completed Solar system models to do this we needed to research facts about the Solar System and their planets. We completed an experiment on how Meteorites are formed, how they fall and the damage they make. We will be continuing our Space experiments for the rest of the half term.

We have learnt how to ask scientific questions and been given lots of opportunities to test our ideas and amend our strategies.

One child said, “I can’t believe how big our Universe is”

Another said, “Why do we not class Pluto as a planet?”