Hand Washing

Then, we talked about why we have to wash our hands. One child said, “To get rid of the germs” and another said, “So we don’t make other children poorly.”

Next, we talked about all the things we needed to wash our hands such as soap and hot water.

Then, we talked about how to wash our hands properly making sure we get in between all our fingers and do the front and back of our hands. We learnt that we need to make sure we wash our hands for a good length of time and not just have a quick dip under the tap.

Finally, we put into practice what we had learnt! We washed our hands thoroughly paying close attention to in between or fingers. Then we used a special machine with a UV light to check if we had done a good enough job and got rid of all the dirt! We were all really surprised to see the results. Some of us even tried again as we were disgusted with the results.