On Tuesday 29th January, we were lucky as a school to have Adam Bushnell visit to do a writing workshop based around the topic of ‘Space’. This kicked off with a whole school assembly with performances/involvement from the children from each class. This helped to spark the children’s curiosity and helped to fully engage and immerse the children in an impactful day of writing about all things not of this world.
Class 4 were first to work with Adam. Our job was to design a planet and creatures for our astronaut to visit. Firstly, the children watched videos and were giving material to stimulate ideas. Then they were able to create their own planets, each giving their own creative and unique environment for the story to take place on. Then it was time to create our own creatures. Adam, with the help of the children and a number of famous aliens, drew the life cycle of a whole class alien. From this, all of the children took this stimulus and were able to design and draw some of their own life cycles of aliens for our astronaut to meet.
One child said ‘I can’t wait to perform this to the whole school and share our amazing aliens.’