Children In Need

Christian Value link: Wisdom and Creation

British Value link: Individual Liberty, Democracy.

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child links:  Article 28 – You have the right to a good quality education. Article 29 – Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. Article 31 – You have the right to play and rest.

Today is Children in Need! We were all so very excited coming into school all dressed up in yellow with our Pudsey bear ears on, all ready to raise awareness for such a fantastic cause.

Our day started with a Joe Wicks HIIT training session in the hall. We were exhausted and very hot when we had finished the session. We decided that we needed a little rest before our next activity, Hula hooping! We were shown some amazing tricks with the hula hoop like how to balance it on one hand, how to pick it up with our feet and how to make it spin around our arm.

After all that exercise, it was time for a little treat. Hot chocolate and cakes! We got to enjoy the beautiful cakes we had made ourselves.

Then, we wanted to design our own Pudsey bears! We added sequins, feathers and even glitter to make them unique and different.

Finally, our day ended with a talent show! Well done to all the children who were so brave getting up and showcasing their talents! Well done!