Class 4 Roald Dahl Day

On Roald dahl day we all got dressed up as characters from different Roald Dahl books. The theme for the half term was The Twits so we tried to complete different activities related to the book. We designed our own Twits character and wrote a description about him. Onto the afternoon we made mouldy rat poo rock buns. We used chocolate to create the effect of rat poo and food colouring made them luck mouldy. Steve taste tested all of the buns and decided the winning rock buns.

Christian Value: Wisdom, Creation

British Values: Individual Liberty

UNCRC: ‘You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can.’ (Article 28)

“My group ended up making the best rat poo rock cakes.” Lauren

“The mixture was gooey and truly disgusting!” Connor