World Book Day C3 2017

We had a great time on World Book Day this year. We dressed up in our favourite book characters in a book themed activity day. The day began with us showing off all of our costumes in the hall and getting the chance to see the whole school all dressed up.

 In a competition, the whole school designed a book token to be judged by National Books Tokens to hopefully win money towards new books.

 Next, we made weird stories by writing part a sentence in partners and then passing it on to the next group. We ended up with some very strange stories indeed! Some of our characters even ended up falling down the toilet!

 Twitter had asked for schools to post pictures of children reading in silly places today. With one of our tweets even getting retweeted by World Book Day.

 In all, we had a fabulous day filled with fun and of course our love for books and lots of reading. We can’t wait until next year already.