Today, 18th June 2018, was the very special day of our own Royal Wedding. It was a wonderful sunny day for our walk up to the church in our special clothes. While at the church two of the reception children made their friendship promises to one another and signed a declaration. After the ceremony, we walked back to school just in time for dinner. After dinner, it was time for our wedding day picnic. We took it in turns to go get some party food, sit outside on the grass and join in with some party games. We had lots of fun with the whole school joining in the fun together. We had a range of games, music and dancing all the way up until home time. It was an amazing day and we all had lots of fun.
“She looks beautiful”
“It’s great playing games with the younger children”
“I am going to watch the wedding tomorrow, I can’t wait”
“I’ve had a great day”
” The best part was the part this afternoon with all the music, games and dancing”