World Book Day Class 3

World Book Day was a whirlwind of excitement. The day began with our celebration assembly and we all paraded around the hall to show off our fabulous costumes. All of the children and teachers were dress up as their favourite story book characters, including Mary Poppins, Hermione Grainger and George’s Marvellous Medicine.

As we’ve been looking at Dr. Sesuss books all week as part of our poetry, we read the story The Sneetches. Those crazy creatures were a little bit odd looking and ever so silly. We worked in small groups to determine what they looked like and what their characteristics were. Mrs Hume was very impressed with the language we used to describe the Sneetch, such as, “Feathery fingers!”

We looked at a range of book covers and talked about what we looked for when we chose a book to read ourselves. We decided they needed to be colorful, bright and tell us throguh pictures what the story might be about. With only a blurb to work from we had a go at designing our very own book cover for a brand new Roald Dahl book. It was really interesting to see how different everyone’s design was.

Throughout the day we took it in turns to share book reviews with each other. We told the class about our favourite book, what the plot was, which part we enjoyed most and then gave a recommendation about who might like the book and why.