Democracy Day

Today 14th September 2018, was World Democracy Day. We started the day be discussing what this meant, children learnt that we need democracy to ensure fairness. It also allows us to make decisions that affect the way our community is ran. Children have worked extremely hard during this week’s literacy lesson writing their speeches. They have all created a set of individual proposals and supported these with benefits. Each child who wanted to stand for pupil parliament,  was given the opportunity to read theirs allowed to the class which created a short list of candidates. These pupils read theirs aloud to the whole school during assembly on Friday afternoon. All pupils then went back to their classes to vote anonymously for those they want to be in pupil parliament.

Well done to all the children who participated and are now part of our Pupil Parliament.

One child said, it’s great having a team that can share our ideas. Another said, it’s great telling everyone what I was going to do to improve our school.