Adam Bushnell

Today, we were visited by Adam Bushnell.

We started the day with an assembly, where Adam showed us flags and horns from different countries. He then told us the story of Rama and Sita and used our school friends to help act the story out. Lots of us got the chance to go up to the front and be part of the story. One child said, “The person with 10 heads is really mean.”

Next, Adam came to visit us in our class to talk to us about a religion called Hinduism. We got the chance to look at swords and shields, he even let us hold them. During the afternoon, Adam got us to create our own monster. With our monster we had to use adverbs to describe what he or she was going to do and when. We even gave our monster a special power.

One child said, “Mine is a monster of darkness.”

Another said, “Mine is a rainbow monster, where ever it goes a rainbow follows.”

Thank you Adam for a  fantastic day!