On Monday 30th October, we started our half term with our very first ‘Rockstars Day’. This was our time to show the times table practice we have been putting in during our maths class and at home.
First of all, during our school assembly, it was announced that we were battling to be the ‘Rock Star’ of our class. We paraded our costumes around the hall to show all of our peers.
We looked closely into our 10 times tables, and the year 2’s also looked at the 5 and 2 times tables. We wanted to become experts. We designed our very own ‘Rock Star’ who was an expert of a times table. We showed in numbers, pictures and concrete objects. This helped us get familiar with the times tables.
It was time for the test. We had 5 minutes to answer as many of the times table questions as we could. This was strange but exciting. This revealed 2 class ‘Rock Stars’ who won an inflatable guitar.
We can’t wait to practise and see who wins next time.