On Friday 15th September, we celebrated Roald Dahl Week by having our very own Roald Dahl theme. We came into school dressed as our favourite Roald Dahl character. We did this in order to help raise money for those effected by the hurricanes. We discussed who Roald Dahl was and that he was the author of many fictional books. He has created so many fictional characters that we still love to read about today.
All of our lessons were around the wonders of Roald Dahl. In numeracy, we found out how many drops of liquid to help George make his marvellous medicine again. We all showed we knew what more and less meant to do this. In our literacy, we showed hoe descriptive we could be by describing lots of settings created by Roald Dahl himself. We knew we could create amazing sentences just like he does for a living.
Finally in the afternoon, we got to show everyone our amazing costumes during our celebration assembly. We had fun parading around to a really fun song. We loved seeing everyone look so funny.
A child said, “I’m amazing at maths just like Matilda.” Another commented,”I’m really smart just like Matilda.”