English Subject Revolution

Christian Value: Wisdom and Creation

British Values: Mutual Respect

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child links:  Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education

Today, we had a very special visit from Subject Revolution and we saw pictures of a dragon outside of our school! We started the session by split into six teams, ready to take on the challenge of finding the special spell to make the dragon disappear. We set off on our special quest around the hall to take part in different challenges to find the code and unlock the boxes. Inside each box was a word which was part of the magic spell. Once we had all of the words we had to figure out what the magic spell was. Then, we saw a picture of the dragon and he was really close to the school, so close that he was on Alison’s car! We quickly had to shout “magic mirror” to make the dragon disappear. Thankfully, we were just in time!

We had an amazing morning. It was so much fun.

Here are some quotes from the children:

“The best part was when the dragon was on Alison’s car!”

“The special goggles to crack the code in the lab were really cool!”

“I liked all of the puzzles.”