Christian Value: Wisdom Creation
British Values: Mutual Respect
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child links: Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can.
We had a fantastic day today raising money for a brilliant cause. We participated in lots of fun activities and all dressed in red to raise money for Red Nose Day.
To begin our morning, we all designed our very own red nose! We all created brilliant designs and we loved showing them off to our friends and they were all entered into a competition where a winner from each year group was chosen in our assembly at the end of the day. Then we went into the hall to have delicious hot chocolates and biscuits.
Then we had chance to raise money by taking part in lots of fun activities. We named the teddy, had a raffle for a cake and guessed the amount of sweets in a jar.
What a fantastic cause to raise money for! We all had so much fun!
Here are some quotes from the children:
“I’ve had so much fun raising money.”
“I like my red nose because it is a superhero.”
“My t-shirt is red for Red Nose Day.”