Jet and Ben

Christian Value link: Wisdom

British Value link: The rule of law

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child links:  Article 39 – You have the right to help if you have been hurt,  neglected or badly treated. Article 19 You have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, in body or mind.

Today, we were lucky to have a visit form our local Police Team. During the assembly, we were discussing how to stay safe outside and online. We discussed, stranger danger, who we could talk to if we were worried about a situation, the job role of a Police Officer and the job role as a Police Dog

The best part of the assembly was meeting the dogs, Jet and Ben, and learning about their expertise within the Police Force. We all got to stroke the dogs before going back to class.

One child said “I love the police dogs they are really special”.