Class 2 Fairtrade Fortnight

Christian Value link: Compassion, Respect, Koinonia

British Value link: All

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child links:  Article 32: You have the right to protection from work that harms you, and is bad for your health and education. If you work, you have the right to be safe and paid fairly.

Over the last two weeks, we have been finding out about Fairtrade. We have learned lots of new information about Fairtrade through lots of different activities. We started our learning about Fairtrade by watching a video about a cocoa farmer who worked for a Fairtrade farm. We heard the impact the Fairtrade cooperative had on their village. They built a school and provided access to water for all of the villagers. We discussed the importance of the Fairtrade Cooperative in farming villages and discussed the impact this had on the communities. After learning about the foods which can be Fairtrade, we designed out very own lunch box filled with lots of delicious Fairtrade treats. We were very surprised when we learned where the cocoa from our chocolate came form!

On Monday, we baked some delicious cookies which were made completely from Fairtrade ingredients and sold them in the bake sale. They were delicious and we know by buying Fairtrade products we are helping farming communities all over the world. We also raised lots of money for Fairtrade.

On Wednesday, we put all of our knowledge on Fairtrade in to action in our class ‘Fair or Unfair Debate’. We were told statements and discussed if we thought they were good or bad.

We have learned lots about Fairtrade and how important it is.

Here are some quotes from the children.

“People should be paid fairly for the work they do.”

“It is nice when the bosses are helping the little communities.”

“Buying Fairtrade helps people be able to go to a hospital and children to go to school.”

“The workers need to be paid properly to take care of their families.”

“If they are helping the villages it is looking after their workers so they will be happier when they go to work. If there are schools they will have a better education.”