On Monday 9th July, we started our KS1 Inter-School World Cup Competition. We were organised into different countries such as; Croatia, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, England and France. We played numerous football games. Some ended in wins, draws and losses. But we all managed to have a lot of fun. The points scored meant that France and England would battle it out in the final that took place on Wednesday 11th July. It was the same day as the KS2 finals. We started the day practising our football skills such as; shooting, passing, dribbling and speed. This really helped us before our big game. We made some flags so that we could cheer on our teams. They were flying around as we watched the KS2 children battle it out.
It was finally our turn. The big game. The final. It was an exciting battle with lots of energy, lots of chances but also lots of goals. The final result was a 4-2 win to England. We celebrated this amazing day with a very generous buffet provided by our parents. It included lots of different foods from the countries we were apart of. We would like to thank everyone who brought something in. It was very tasty.
Congratulations to all of the children who brought the trophy home. Let’s hope England do the same tonight! COME ON ENGLAND!
Quotes from the children:
I love football and scoring goals.
The food was really tasty.
I liked how I was in the same country as my big sister.
It was fun cheering on the KS 2 children they were really good.
I am so happy England win and I hope they win tonight.