Visit From The Fire Station

Visit From The Fire Station

Today, we were very lucky to be visited by Sedgefield Community Fire Service. They had brought their fire engine along for us to explore.

We were very excited to see the fire engine and loved learning lots about the equipment that was inside. One child asked, ” Why did you want to be a fire fighter in the first place?”

First, we were shown some really big scissors that were used to cut metal and powered by the fire engine. We asked what other special equipment they got to use and they showed this special camera that lets them see through smoke and see hot things. Then, we were shown the hose pipe at the back of the engine and the really tall ladders on the roof. Finally, the exciting part, we got to sit in the fire engine! Some of us needed a little help up the steps because they were so steep. Once inside we got to sound the alarm and turn on the lights.

We loved having a fire engine in school today and we want to thank the Firefighters for always keeping us safe!