Visit from the Dentist class 2

Visit from the Dentist

Today, we had a special visitor in our class, Caroline from the Dentist.

She asked us lots of questions to find out what we already knew about the Dentist and we all loved sharing some of the things we already knew.

Caroline talked to us about the importance of brushing our teeth twice a day, morning and night. She told us that we only need a small pea-sized amount of toothpaste on our toothbrush. She asked us how long should we brush our teeth for we found out that 2 minutes is just the right amount of time.

Caroline showed us how to brush our teeth properly on a big set of false teeth with a very large toothbrush.  Then, we all got to take it in turns brushing the giant teeth, we loved practising on the big false teeth.

Finally, we talked about food and drink that was good for our teeth. Caroline told us that milk and water were the best drinks to keep our teeth healthy and that if we ate sweets we should do it at meal times.

We even got a toothbrush and toothpaste to take home with us to practise what we have learnt.