Christian Value link: Wisdom and Creation
British Value link: Individual Liberty
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child links: Article 28 – You have the right to a good quality education. Article 12 – You have the right to express your opinion freely.
Today we had a very special visit from Liz Million!
Liz draws some fantastic images in books, she is an illustrator. We started off with a whole school assembly where Liz showed us how to sketch and use crayons to create our own cartoon style pictures. She shared some of the illustrations in her books and we were so excited to take part in our workshop.
Later in the morning, we all went into the hall to start our workshop. We looked at lots of amazing pictures first and then we helped Liz draw her own. She drew a spaceman first and then a monster. Liz experimented with different facial features to change the mood of the character. Then it was our turn! We got to add detail to create our very own monsters. It was so much fun!
We can not wait to colour in our own monsters and become illustrators ourselves.
Thank you Liz!