Christian Value: Koinonia, Justice
British Value link: Individual Liberty
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child links: Article 28 – You have the right to a good quality education. Article 12 – You have the right to express your opinion freely.
Today we celebrated European Day of Languages.
We started the day by showcasing our range of languages to our family and friends. We spoke in French, Spanish and Croatian and we even sang a song in Spanish. When we came back to the class, we listened to a story in Croatian and we listened to The Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
After dinner, we spent time in the hall which had been transformed into a French and Spanish market. We read stories, bought items from the supermarket and learned how to say hello and thank you in a different language.
We have had a brilliant day!
“I loved speaking in a different language.”
“I liked listening to the story in a different language because I know the story in English so it was interesting,”