Democracy Day

Christian Value link: Wisdom and Justice

British Value link: Individual Liberty

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child links:  Article 28 – You have the right to a good quality education. Article 12 – You have the right to express your opinion freely.

Today was Democracy Day.

We started the afternoon by discussing the meaning of democracy and how we might have democracy in our school. We spoke about the votes for pupil parliament last week and our two class representatives introduced themselves. Then, we decided to choose our next class book in a democratic manor. To ensure that we all had our say, we set up a voting station where the children were able to vote for their favourite book. Our members of pupil parliament did a fantastic job setting up and manning the voting station.

The children are very excited to find out what we will be reading next… we have kept it a surprise until tomorrow when Adam and Scarlett will announce the book with the most votes.