50th Birthday Celebrations

Christian Value link: Wisdom

British Value link: Individual Liberty

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child links:  Article 28 – You have the right to a good quality education. Article 12 – You have the right to express your opinion freely.

Today, we celebrated our school being opened for 50 years! Each class had a decade to look at and we looked at the ’90s. We looked closely at the technology in schools in the ’90s and compared it to the present day. The children were shocked at how children learned during the 1990s. We all came to school dressed in the ’90s too!

On the afternoon, we had a big party, a picnic and even played party games. Later, parents came in and we all shared what we found out about ’90s technology and sang our ’90s song which was Sunshine by Gabrielle. Then, we helped decorate our classroom before we opened the school doors and everyone came to see all the hard work we had done for the 50 years celebration!

We all had so much fun!

We can’t wait for the 250th birthday next year!