We started the day with an assembly to discuss what Safer Internet Day was about and the roles that we play in keeping the internet safe, one child said, “I loved that assembly.”
Next, we listened to a story about the Three Little Monsters and their school. They had a competition to draw the best thing about school and if they won their picture would go on the school website. All the children had to vote for their favourite picture. There were lots of lovely comments about the children’s hard work but one person had left a nasty comment. We talked about how we would feel if we received good comments online, one child said, “I would be really happy.2 Then we discussed how we would feel if someone said something hurtful to us online, one child said, “I would be really sad,” and another said, “I would be very angry, I work hard on my pictures.2 We then talked about who we could talk to if someone had upset us online and decided an adult would be the best person to help us. One child said, “My dad will show me how to delete the bad comment.”
We went to draw pictures of our favourite things about school like in the Three Little Monsters. Then we had a compliment circle in the class, we all had to say kind things about each other’s pictures. One child said, “I like that she is kind,” and another said, “I like what you wear.” We all loved giving and receiving compliments from each other and felt really special. We talked about how we can be kind to each other in person and online and being kind makes us all feel happy and special.
Finally, we discussed images of things that might keep us safe. We were shown images such as suncream, oven gloves, keys, armbands and a car seat and we had to discuss what they all had in common. We had lots of ideas how to sort the pictures into groups but decided the best way was to group them in one category, things that keep us safe.
Throughout the afternoon we did lots of fun things. We made emoji to #giveasmile for internet safety, a helping hand for all the people who are special too us, and created a jigsaw about internet safety.