Class 1 – Science Day

This week was Science week so we had our very own Science day with the whole of Key Stage 1. We completed two scientific investigations.

Firstly, we entered the hall to some cups full ingredients and some iced eggs. We really wanted to melt the eggs to see what was trapped inside. That was our challenge! We were told by our teachers that we had vinegar, lemon juice and salt to try and melt the ice. We made our prediction to which substance we thought would melt the ice the quickest. We decided together we need to pour the same amount of the substances on the iced eggs at exactly the same time. We used a timer to see how long it took. Our results were inconclusive with vinegar, salt and lemon juice winning in different groups. The quickest melt took 9 minutes 50 seconds and that was with vinegar. We managed to release a lot of creatures in this experiment. If we were to do it again, we would use small iced eggs that were exactly the same size and test warm water and sugar too. We really enjoyed working with reception. We were great helpers and wrote up our prediction, equipment list, method and our conclusion.

After our fantastic morning, we knew we had more fun science experiments to do. We walked into the hall seeing lots of colours and paper towels. We wondered how our teachers managed to do that. This sparked lots of questions that we could investigate. We watched a video clip showing us an experiment using food colouring. Cups, water and paper towels. We then worked together in groups to create our own investigation to answer one of our questions. Some of us used more water than others whilst others used more paper towels than others. This allowed our groups the effect of absorbance on the colours. We made our group prediction, wrote up our method (which is easy once you have done the investigation yourself) and we went out to play. On our return to the hall, we could see all of our investigations were successful. We concluded that the more water used increases the speed of absorption and therefore a beautiful mix of colours. We love science and cannot wait for our next experiment!