Lockerbie Residential 2019

Day 1:

The children have enjoyed their first day of activities. They have taken part in low ropes, fencing, and rifle shooting.

One child said, ‘The best was the rifles, I managed to hit the target twice.’

Anther child said, ‘I liked today because it has been adventurous and fun.’

Day 2:

The children have had an amazing day today testing out their teamwork skills. We have got down and dirty with an obstacle course where we had to climb over

and under obstacles through muddy puddles. Next, we overcame our fears by taking part in the high ropes challenge finishing with the leap of faith. After dinner, we had an afternoon of activities on the lake. Some of us even fell in! We finished the day with a lovely evening walk in the woods.

One child said, ‘ It was very exciting as you learnt lots of facts.’

Another said, ‘ We learnt lots about the history of the Lockerbie forest. I couldn’t wait to see what happened next.’

Day 3:

Another fantastic day! We all got to have a go of a zip wire line, some of us got to have more than one go. Our next activity was archery, we all got the opportunity to shot the target with the aim to get the highest score. After lunch, we fought our fears, again, by climbing onto of crates and abseiling down a wall.

One child said, ‘Archery was the best because I hit the target on my last go.’

Another child said, ‘I enjoyed shooting a bow and arrow as well as going down the zip wire.’


Day 4:

We can’t believe it is out last full day! We have had an amazing time! Today, we got the chance to spend the morning on the pond. We took it in turns to build rafts and go on the paddle boards. Lots of us fell in but showed endurance to try again. After dinner, we played volleyball, went on the low ropes and had fun on the climbing wall. To finish another amazing, we put on our dancing shoes and headed to the disco.

One child said, ‘The best bit was watching everyone have fun on the water and pushing Mrs Cannings in.’

Another said, ‘ I really enjoyed the climbing wall, I didn’t think I would get to the top but I did.’