Mrs Jacqueline Gilbey

Name: Mrs Jacqueline Gilbey

Category of Governor: Parent Governor

Appointed by: Diocese of Durham & Newcastle

Term of office and end date: 01.01.2018 – 31.12.2022

Committees served on: 

Specify whether chair/vice chair and of what: N/A

Business interests declared: None to declare

Details of other schools where you also govern: None

Details of any relationships with school staff, including spouses, partners and relatives: None

Brief details: I have lived in Evenwood for the past twelve years and I am married with two children. My eldest attended Evenwood school and is now in secondary and my youngest is currently in year 1. I have been volunteering in the school on a weekly basis since September, coming and listening to readers. I have also just started working towards my teaching assistant qualification. I am a new parent governor and wanted this role as I feel very strongly towards Evenwood school and wanted to be more involved in trying to make it an even better learning environment and experience for our children and the staff.