Today we came dressed in red and white to celebrate St George’s Day. It was extra special as we were visited by our favourite author, Adam Bushnell. He had created a St George’s Day story for us all to act out in collective worship.

Firstly, he talked to us about St. George and told us all about his story. He used different children in our school to create and tell the the story. We had a dragon, a queen and a princess. It was a fantastic legend.  It was so funny and everyone thought the story was brilliant.

When he came to Class 2, we amazed ourselves with how easy it was to write our very own story. These are the short activities we did to create our very own St George’s themed story around the powerful dragon.

Firstly, we drew our own dragons. We were so surprised at how good we were. Adam showed us how to draw a dragon using different shapes like squiggley lines and backwards letters. We all got to colour in our dragons and we all got to talk about our designs. Next, we tried on the different knight outfits. We got to wear the gloves, the armour and the helmet. It was really heavy! As soon as we knew more about knights and dragons, we were able to create our very own story. With some weapons, a brave character and a dragon with a very unique power, we were all able to create our very own legend that a reader would not be able to put down.

We would all like to thank Adam for coming to St Michael’s and we already can’t wait for his next visit.


Here is what some of the children said: 

  • My dragon is going to be a cave dragon and its going to get killed by St George
  • I’m going to turn my dragon good.
  •  I loved being the princess in Adam’s story
  •  The knights helmet was so heavy.
  •  I love telling stories just like Adam.