Different is Good Talent Show

Christian Value link: Endurance and Koinonia

British Value link: Mutual respect.

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child links:  Article 30: You have the right to practice your own culture, language and religion – or any you choose.  Minority and indigenous groups need special protection of this right.


This term, we have been looking at what makes us unique and why that is good. We have read lots of different books which shows how the characters are different and how sometimes this can make them sad and happy. We have had lots of discussions about this and we have all shared what makes us different and why we are proud to be different. We love Odd Dog Out!

As a school we have all come together to celebrate being different by having a talent show. In class, we all showed off our special talents and voted on who we wanted to represent our class in the whole school talent show.

Everyone was brilliant and it was fantastic to see a wide range of talents from Class 2!