Class 3 Big Bake Day

The delicious smell of gooey chocolate wafted out of the classroom and down the corridor on Friday 18th September. The mini chefs in Class 3 melted, mixed, chopped and whisked their way to cake excellence as they made bowl upon bowl of their extra special rocky road and chocolate fudge cake.  Stirring the chocolate, cherries and marshmallow gloop, Luke told Mrs Hume, “It feels like I’m mixing George’s Marvellous Medicine!” It’s safe to say a choctastic day was had by all.

Christian Value: Compassion, Koinonia, Friendship

British Values: Mutual Respect

UNCRC: ‘You have the right to give your opinion and for adults to listen and take it seriously. You have the right to the best health care possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment and information to help you stay well.’ (Article 24)

“I loved baking with my friends.” Brooke

“Mmmmm, I love chocolate.” Darcey