Dr. David Waugh

Name: Dr. David Waugh

Category of Governor: Foundation

Appointed by: PCC

Term of office and end date: 18.07.2017 – 17.07.2021

Committees served on: Appeals, Finance, Buildings and personnel, Pupil outcomes, Performance Management

Specify whether chair/vice chair and of what: None

Business interests declared: None to declare

Details of other schools where you also govern: None

Details of any relationships with school staff, including spouses, partners and relatives: None

Brief details:

I have been a governor at three schools.  I was  a parent governor at my children’s secondary school for five years, and was Chair of Governors for three years and a governor for five years at a primary school in Hull.

I began teaching in 1976 and taught in four primary schools, latterly as Deputy Headteacher.  I then worked at University of Hull from 1990 to 2008, becoming Head of Education in 2005.   In 2008 I took up a post with the National Strategies as one of two advisers to initial teacher training institutions (ITT), with a particular brief for literacy development.  In 2010, I was appointed Senior Teaching Fellow at Durham University’s School of Education where I am also Director of Primary PGCE.  In 2011 and again in 2013, Durham was graded “outstanding” by Ofsted for its ITT. In 2013, I was given the Faculty Award for Outstanding Contribution to Outreach.

I have published twenty-five books on primary education and am currently completing an app. on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, and two more books on teaching English.  I also write children’s stories and poems and am a keen artist.  My hobbies include running, and I regularly take part in 10k races and was Bradford City over 60s champion in 2012.  My other passion is Doncaster Rovers Football Club which I have supported for 53 years!

I have been married for 39 years and have two children and three grandchildren.